Georgia Tech @ CSCW 2015
Collaboration research grows across mobile and online spaces
Explore the interactive visualization below to see where computer-supported cooperative work is headed and the Georgia Tech alumni and researchers who are advancing the field.
Computing technology has advanced cooperative work in many contexts, whether it's tackling civic issues and designing technology for activists, or for lighter social pursuits, say an international scavenger hunt that includes snapping a picture of a storm trooper folding laundry. This and other Georgia Tech research on how people work together through technology is part of the 18th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW 2015), March 14-18 in Vancouver. Collaboration is increasingly being accomplished with everything from social media and texts to cloud storage and sophisticated design tools. With more and more organizations and networks dispersed across different areas and even countries, Georgia Tech researchers are studying how people work together online and through technology to complete complex tasks. Georgia Tech research constitutes 12 percent of the conference papers, including alumni research. Two of the six best papers at CSCW 2015 are by current Georgia Tech researchers, and four papers that include GT and alumni research were given honorable mention.
Writer and Visualization: Joshua Preston (
Infographics: Kuan Tong
Data collection: Meghana Melkote and Joshua Preston