GVU Center Brown Bag: The Role of mHealth Systems and Crowdsourcing  in Chronic Care Management and Wellness


Computing holds the promise of alleviating some of the negative impact of chronic care management by scaling human effort over time and space. Two problems associated with asthma and developmental disabilities are, a lack of continuity of care between scheduled clinical visits and a scarcity of tools to promote communication between patients and clinical providers. Individuals with high-functioning autism, on the other hand, may find it difficult to secure the constant guidance they require on everyday challenges. In this talk I will discuss technology interventions that address these issues and provide personalized solutions for health and wellness. These include, text-message based systems for pediatric patients, crowdsourced support for individuals with autism and mobile applications to inform caregivers about children’s age-appropriate development. I will also discuss the underlying theories that influence me as a designer and the important role that MS-HCI students have played in my research agenda.  

Speaker Bio:

Dr. Arriaga is a Senior Research Scientist at Georgia Tech’s School of Interactive Computing. Her emphasis is on using psychological concepts, theories and methods to address fundamental topics of human computer interaction and social computing. She received her Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology from Harvard University.

Event Details


  • Thursday, March 30, 2017
    12:30 pm - 2:00 pm

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  • Rosa Arriaga

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