BME HealthReach is an educational enrichment program in collaboration with Georgia Tech, Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, and Atlanta area k-12 schools. Under the auspices of a graded elective course, Georgia Tech Biomedical Engineering (BME) undergraduates apply problem-based learning skills to iteratively design, develop, and deploy interactive science and math learning activities according to the Georgia Department of Education (k-12) educational standards where human physiology is used as context for learning. Our program works with two populations: chronically ill children, in which their own diseases are used as springboards and motivation for learning.
Any research projects that don't have a permanent lab affiliation with GVU and are participating in the GVU Center Research Showcase will display their projects here. These projects are by researchers who are partnering with GVU to showcase their work in people-centered computing or using computing technology to solve scientific, social and technical challenges.
Faculty can request at any time to have their lab listed on the GVU website by emailing