Poster: Computational Analysis and Visualization of Global Supply Network Risks

Rahul C. Basole
Marcus Bellamy, Hyunwoo Park, Jagannath Putrevu

Management of supply network risks is a critical competency for today's global enterprises. Current practices and tools, however, have limited capabilities and do not allow for systemic exploration of alternate risk strategies. We develop a computational model of risk diffusion in global supply networks that is grounded in techniques from complex systems, network analysis, and epidemiological risk modeling. We draw on a unique, curated dataset of firms, their supply networks, and financial risk in the global electronics industry. Specifically, we assess and visualize the impact of network structure on risk diffusion and supply network health, and determine the impact of visibility on reduction and potential mitigation of cascading risks. Our approach enables decision makers to identify risks and determine potential paths of their diffusion. In doing so, we advance our understanding of the design and development of computational risk management tools in a global supply network context.

Rahul C. Basole
Rahul C. Basole
Terrance Law, Tim Major, Arjun Srinivasan, Biswajyoti Pal, Tyler Labean

The Computational Enterprise Science Lab focuses on the design, analysis, and management of complex enterprise systems (e.g. organizations, supply chains, business ecosystems) using information visualization, modeling/simulation, and system science approaches.