COSMOS (COmputational Skins for Multi-functional Objects and Systems) is an interdisciplinary collaborative project to design, manufacture, fabricate, and apply "computational skins". COSMOS consist of dense, high-performance, seamlessly-networked, ambiently-powered computational nodes in the form of 2D flexible surfaces that can process, store, and communicate sensor data. Achieving this vision will redefine the basis of human-environment interactions by creating a world in which everyday objects and information technology become inextricably entangled. This will also enable alternative and neuromorphic computing that can change the foundation of computing today.
We are interested in ubiquitous computing and the research issues involved in building and evaluating ubicomp applications and services that impact our lives. Much of our work is situated in settings of everyday activity, such as the classroom, the office and the home. Our research focuses on several topics including, automated capture and access to live experiences, context-aware computing, applications and services in the home, natural interaction, software architecture, technology policy, security and privacy issues, and technology for individuals with special needs.