Bruce Walker

Bruce Walker

Associate Professor
Academic Specialty: 
Data Sonification, Auditory Displays
I completed my Ph.D. at Rice University (2001) in Human Factors and Human-Computer Interaction. My Disseration was entitled Magnitude Estimation of Conceptual Data Dimensions for Use in Sonification. You can also check out what I did for my Masters: Congruency Effects with Dynamic Auditory Stimuli. In case you're wondering, I was born at a very early age in Montreal, Canada, and grew up all across the Great White North. I've spent time in many of Canada's major cities (from Montreal to Toronto, Saskatoon, Victoria, even Nanaimo...). As a teenager I attended Lester B. Pearson College, one of the United World Colleges, where I forged friendships with kindred spirits from all over the world. I have enjoyed traveling a lot, visiting many friends, and taking a fair few photographs along the way. I practice the defensive art of Ju Jutsu, and am interested in Human Languages, and people and places that promote Peace and International Understanding.