Collaboratively making music as a stress reducing activity for novice users

Dr. Brian Magerko
Sandeep Prasad

A digital interface that supports musical expression for novice users. The users need not possess any prior musical knowledge. The system will support collaboration by letting users of different experience levels make music together. The collaborative aspect of the system will help reducing stress levels of users and will therefore be encouraged and incentivized possibly through a reward system.

Brian Magerko
Jason Freeman, Duri Long
Takeria Blunt, Erin Truesdell, Manoj Deshpande, Sarah Mathew, Atefeh Mahdavi

The Expressive Machinery Lab (formerly ADAM Lab) explores the intersection between cognition, creativity, and computation through the study of creative human endeavors and by building digital media artifacts that represent our findings. Applications of our findings range from AI-based digital performance to interactive narrative experiences to educational media design and development.