Drone Management of Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles by Non-Aviation Trained Personnel

Dr. Bruce Walker
Robert MacDonald

More and more, drones are required to be operated and managed by operators with little to no aviation experience or training. Drones are readily available to purchase by the public and easily accessible by businesses. Drones are becoming more sophisticated, and it seems only a matter of time before multiple drones can be piloted by a single drone pilot. With the number of drones in use increasing every year, it will become increasingly important to be able to effectively manage multiple numbers of drones in a single system. The increasing interaction of advancing drone technology and traditionally non-aviation-based fields is a perfect area for using the skills and knowledge of the Human Computer Interaction field.

Richard Henneman, Carrie Bruce
Nearly 100

Students in Georgia Tech's interdisciplinary MS in Human-Computer Interaction program do multiple group class projects, and a capstone individual project. Some projects are presented as part of other labs listed here; others are showcased in the MS-HCI Project Lab.

The two-year program spans four schools: Industrial Design; Interactive Computing; Literature, Media and Communications (Digital Media Program); and Psychology. Approximately 50 new students enroll each fall semester.