Improving User Experience of Food Journaling

Gregory Abowd, Thomas Ploetz
Mehrab Bin Morshed, Pallavi Chetia, Preston Choe

Food journaling refers to the idea of logging food intake with specific details such as calorie count, food ingredients (i.e., protein, grain), among other things. Such practice often relies on self-reports, which is prone to recall bias, if the user does not log the food at the time of intake. Even logging during the time of food intake, depending on the context, a user might not be well-informed to log every detail of a food journaling application. For example, getting an estimation of calory count is difficult when the end-user is not aware of the food ingredients. Hence, based on the context of users, specific kinds of journaling approaches (i.e., voice-based methods, picture-based methods, etc.) might be more preferable. In this project, we are investigating what kind of design choices will be more useful for getting information about food intake in a variety of contexts. Our goal of the project is to improve the user experience of food journaling by minimizing the response burden and utilizing the context of users.


We are interested in ubiquitous computing and the research issues involved in building and evaluating ubicomp applications and services that impact our lives. Much of our work is situated in settings of everyday activity, such as the classroom, the office and the home. Our research focuses on several topics including, automated capture and access to live experiences, context-aware computing, applications and services in the home, natural interaction, software architecture, technology policy, security and privacy issues, and technology for individuals with special needs.