One Map, Two Maps: Visualizing Social Disparities through Linked-Scale Interactive Maps

Jessica Roberts, Clio Andris, Joshua S. Weitz
Yasmine Belghith, Kurt Heischmidt, Grant Jones, Anthony Teachey

We investigate how users perceive socioeconomic disparities in the United States before and after visualizing and interacting with a standalone county-level US choropleth map and a choropleth map of the US that is `linked' to a map of the world. We measure socioeconomic properties using indicators related to education attainment, income inequality, life expectancy, incarceration, obesity and prevalence of HIV. We test whether perceive inequality across the US differently if they can contextualize variation alongside the same indicators at the global scale using an A/B user study.

Jessica Roberts
Jessica Roberts
Jordan Hill, Gennie Mansi, Alice Lee, Morgan Chin, Yasmine Belghith

In the Technology-Integrated Learning Environments (TILES) lab we explore how technology meditates human learning in a variety of formal and informal contexts. Work in this lab is grounded in the Learning Sciences and explores how technologies can augment social and individual learning in contexts including museums, citizen science, classrooms, and online.