Poster: Careflow Analytics and Visualization

Rahul C. Basole, Mark Braunstein, Polo Chau, Myung Choi, Nicoleta Serban
Vik Kumar, Hyunwoo Park

Healthcare delivery processes are complex activities that span organizational, spatial, and temporal boundaries. Systemic insights, redesign, and improvements are consequently difficult to achieve. Using existing digital healthcare data, we are developing a data-driven methodology, fusing computational systems modeling, data mining, and interactive visualization, to identify, describe, and visualize healthcare delivery processes. Our system will help providers (e.g. physicians, nurses, etc.) and strategic decision makers (e.g. CIOs, CTOs, CFOs) interactively discover, analyze, and visualize processes, determine variations in care quality, cost, and outcomes stratified by physician and patient population, and provide an important evidence-based foundation for healthcare delivery improvement.

Rahul C. Basole
Rahul C. Basole
Terrance Law, Tim Major, Arjun Srinivasan, Biswajyoti Pal, Tyler Labean

The Computational Enterprise Science Lab focuses on the design, analysis, and management of complex enterprise systems (e.g. organizations, supply chains, business ecosystems) using information visualization, modeling/simulation, and system science approaches.