Poster: Health Policy Flight Simulator

Rahul C. Basole, Mark Braunstein
Trustin Clear, Hyunwoo Park

Computer simulations are effective tools for addressing enterprise transformation in terms of alternative organizational policies, operating procedures, and allocations of resources. We present a multilevel approach to computationally model health delivery enterprises. This approach is illustrated by its application to an employer-based prevention and wellness program. The decision of interest in this application concerns the design of prevention and wellness programs that are self-sustaining and provide a positive return on investment for the overall enterprise. The nature of this decision is shown to have enormous implications for how delivery services are organized.

Rahul C. Basole
Rahul C. Basole
Terrance Law, Tim Major, Arjun Srinivasan, Biswajyoti Pal, Tyler Labean

The Computational Enterprise Science Lab focuses on the design, analysis, and management of complex enterprise systems (e.g. organizations, supply chains, business ecosystems) using information visualization, modeling/simulation, and system science approaches.