Social Media is changing our world. Traditional narratives paint a picture of many-to-many democratization of information--making ideas, opinions, education, and knowledge available to many people in many places at any time. This research examines whether this is actually the case, especially in countries with a totalitarian government. Through an interview-based study of Cuban participants on social media, this project explores both the limitations and opportunities of cyber networks as tools for individuals to create collaborative narratives and affect social change. By shedding light on the situation in Cuba, this research seeks to illuminate the role of online social networks as tools of persuasion and influence in a global setting.
The concept that people learn best when they are making something personally meaningful - also known as constructionism - is the lab's guiding philosophy. Computer networks have the potential to facilitate community-supported constructionist learning. The Electronic Learning Communities Lab examines ways communities of learners can motivate and support one another's learning experiences.