Connected Living Research Initiative

Brian D Jones, Siva Jayaraman

Connected living is the fast-growing intersection of mobile, wearable, home, community, car and other technologies to assist individuals in accomplishing more seamless interactions and goals in daily life. Mobility and cloud computing are two pillars of growth that has brought about significant changes in the industry. Cloud computing, big data, mobility and low-cost sensors are driving the internet of things and connected industries, and the internet of things is forcing transformation and innovation across the connected home, connected workplace and connected city. It is estimated that the Connected Living market will reach 730 Billion USD by 2020.

We are in the process of defining the Connected Living Research Initiative (CLRI) to bring together industry stakeholders, academic/research faculty and civic partners in defining the future of the connected life. CLRI is currently onboarding partners to delineate research goals that include (but is not limited to) the future impact of big data, improved user experience in daily activities, and data security and privacy in this ever more connected daily experience.

For more information contact: Brian Jonesor Siva Jayaraman


Brian D. Jones
Graduate: Adviti Atluri, Avery Ao; Undergraduate: Ana Herrera, Aditya Kabu, Matthew Perry, Shayar Shah

Generally, people spend a good amount of time in their home performing everyday activities like: sleeping, eating, cooking, relaxing, entertaining, and so on; thus, it comes as no surprise that the home plays a key role in our health, lifestyle, and well-being. The Aware Home Research Initiative (AHRI) at Georgia Institute of Technology is an interdisciplinary research endeavor aimed at addressing the fundamental technical, design, and social challenges for people in a home setting. Central to this research is the Aware Home, a 3-story, 5040 square foot facility designed to facilitate research, while providing an authentic home environment. Research domains include: 1. Health and Well-being, 2. Sustainability, 3. Entertainment, 4. Connected Living / Home Management.