
Poor quality of medical care is a major contributor to excess medical morbidity and premature mortality in persons with serious mental illnesses (SMI). To address this problem, community mental health providers are increasingly partnering with safety net medical providers to develop behavioral health homes, integrated clinics in which persons with SMI receive coordinated medical and mental health care. However, behavioral health homes have faced logistical and privacy challenges in integrating electronic medical records across organizations.
Heart Sense takes biometric data from participants and produces captivating visualizations as their bodies react to visual stimuli.
This study presents a set of fabrication techniques for upcycling HDPE (High Density PolyEthylene) plastic bags. It enables not only recycling abandoned plastic bags but also creating 3D objects by folding and joining the newly fused plastic sheet.
Data analysis novices often encounter barriers in executing low-level operations for pairwise comparisons. They may also run into barriers in interpreting the artefacts (e.g., visualizations) created as a result of the operations. We developed Duet, a visual analysis system designed to help data analysis novices conduct pairwise comparisons by addressing execution and interpretation barriers. To reduce the barriers in executing low-level operations during pairwise comparison, Duet employs minimal specification: when one object group (i.e.
This is an ongoing MSHCI master project. With this project, we want to understand problems non-native English speaking students have studying in the states and develop new solutions to address these problems.
What is the physical impact of working in non-office settings, and how can users be more sensitized to their postural comfort while in these environments?
We designed a tool that facilitates the entire online ideation process, from choosing different ideation techniques, to presenting ideas and critiquing them. We aim to tackle problems such as embodiment and asynchronicity for online group work.
Initial Problem statement:How to improve the well-being of seniors with a specific cultural background in the US context, during the influence of thriving online services and the low digital literacy of the user group?
Although it is well-established that the environment (e.g., sound, light, temperature) can be a significant contributor to sleep disruption, few technologies have been designed to capture the environmental factors that affect sleep. We developed a low-cost and robust sensor designed to collect highly accurate environmental light and sound data in a natural home environment at fine temporal resolution. We deploy these sensors in the bedrooms of older adults for an extended period to comprehensively describe the sleep environment and to uncover the metrics most salient for sleep disruption.
As the 2020 pandemic soared, so did the customer demand for contactless buying online and pickup in-store orders. To meet our customer needs while doing the right things for the safety of our community, Home Depot launched the Curbside Pickup service.
This project is a virtual reality experience centered on Article 25 of the Declaration of Human Rights: "Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing, and medical care..." The experience sheds light on the problem of homelessness in the Atlanta metropolitan area. The user will experience a narrative story while virtually serving characters that are representative of Atlanta's homeless population. The experience also includes information about current statistics and ways to volunteer to a
Utilizing a fully tunable and dimmable LED lighting system in a mock patient room, we have been able to test the acceptability of a dozen lighting conditions. Improving the lighting in hospitals has the potential to improve the patient experience, promote better sleep hygiene and allow nursing staff to conduct critical tasks as night without waking the patient.
The purpose of this study is to investigate how cultural background influences Western and Eastern MMOG players in the case of WOW. This thesis explores the influence of culture on MMOG players in three different cultural contexts: United States (US) servers, Chinese (CN) servers, and Taiwanese (TW) servers. This comparison will allow a comparison of Western vs. Eastern players as well as two similar Eastern cultures that play slightly different versions of the game.
More and more people today are using activity trackers like Fitbit and connecting them to their social media like Twitter. And what more, some people make their daily quantified activity time series public. So on one hand, we have their entire twitter network in the form of timelines, friends, followers and their entire network and on the other hand, we have their entire workout data. We are trying to answer some interesting question from these two sets of data.
Chemtrails is considered by conspiracy theorists as the visible condensation trails behind airplanes, which is sprayed for nefarious purposes unbeknownst to the public. In order to understand people's beliefs, we interviewed 28 people who discuss about chemtrails from multiple online communities on Facebook, Reddit, Discord, and Chemtrail forums. We believe that an understanding of the roles, mechanisms, and processes that foment conspiratorial ideation can shed light on how adversarial information campaigns are likely to be effective.
