
Engineers are interested in solving some practical problem, such as capturing water vapor in arid regions. They intend to use biological analogs as a source of inspiration. Doing so, however, raises several problems. First, the biological literature is immense, and keyword-based search produces voluminous hits, but most of the retrieved documents are of no use. That is, there is a high recall but low precision. The second problem is that even when a document looks like it might be relevant, it is still burdensome for the engineer to make a determination.
Augmented-reality is a technology that can revolutionize children's education and entertainment. In studies of adolescents and adults, it has been shown to have measurable benefits for advancing STEM education through situated 3D simulations, providing entertainment through whole-body interaction, and enhancing physical & cognitive rehabilitation through motivational engagement. We are interested in bringing such experiences into the hands of elementary-school children. In this project we are studying young children's ability to effectively use various types of handheld-AR interfaces.
Considering the fact that the in-person social interactions distinguishes movie theaters from other competitive distribution channels of films such as streaming services, our project aims at taking advantage of the co-presence of audience to create more social interactions through an interactive device within the unique physical space of movie theaters so as to deliver a more engaging and fulfilled social moviegoing experience.
Improvisational storytelling involves one or more people interacting in real-time to create a story without advanced notice of topic or theme. Human improvisation occurs in an open-world that can be in any state and characters can perform any behaviors expressible through natural language. In this project, we strive toward the grand challenge of computational improvisational storytelling in open-world domains. The goal is to develop an intelligent agent that can sensibly co-create a story with one or more humans through natural language.
End-user interaction with machine learning based systems will result in new usability challenges for the fields of human computer interaction and machine learning. With machine learning systems becoming more and more prevalent, it is important that systems are properly designed in a user-centered manner. In order to address these challenges, the most relied upon usability inspection method-the heuristic evaluation-must be adapted for the unique end-user experiences that interactive machine learning presents. This project introduces ten heuristics for interactive machine learning.
As event sequence data grow in prominence, sequential pattern mining algorithms have been widely adopted to discover interesting patterns in data. For instance, ecommerce websites use these algorithms large-scale clickstream data to understand the common paths taken by customers. In the healthcare domain, sequential pattern mining algorithms open the door to investigating the sheer volume of patients in a hospital.
The Interactive Topographic Data Visualizer (ITDV) is a system that facilitates a group of people to share in the exploration of geospatial solutions on an interactive projection mapped surface.
Scientists disagree about the effect of adding emotionally interesting details to learning materials. While some argue that interesting information enhances learning, others contend that interesting information is distracting. However, the issue might not be the interestingness of the information, but rather the relevance of the details to the main idea.
We present a study of Internet use and its forced non-use in Bangladesh. In light of current initiatives on state and industry actors to improve Internet access and bridge the 'digital divide' for underserved, under-resourced, and under-represented communities across the world, we offer a situated, qualitative perspective on what the current state of Internet use looks like for select social groups in Bangladesh. We analyze how a state-imposed ban attempted to effect the non-use of particular web-based services and how the affected populations found or did not find workarounds in response.
The Internet of Things (IoT) will soon touch nearly all of the interactions we have with our world and with the things around us, and the interaction of those things with each other. GT-RNOC is developing a number of IoT-related projects that help students demonstrate and better understand some of the complexity and range of applications that the IoT encompasses.
Improving the well-being of people with mental illness requires not only clinical treatment but also social support. This research examines how major life transitions around mental illnesses are exhibited on social media and how social and clinical care intersect around these transitionary periods.
Understanding users become increasingly complicated when we grapple with various overlapping attributes of an individual's identity. As a term, the user now represents an expanding, diverse set of people. In this work, we introduce intersectionality as a framework for engaging with the complexity of users'-and authors'-identities, and situating these identities in relation to their contextual surroundings.
Combining querying and pattern mining for event sequence exploration
This research explored the effect of intuitive versus rational thinking on creativity. Our objective was to investigate this relationship through design tasks with undergraduate industrial design students. Students performed nine separate design tasks across three conditions. Their work was scored for novelty and feasibility, and we analyzed this performance data in conjunction with self-reported mood and information processing assessments. Our results show numerous statistically significant differences.
Flying drones with a remote control is hard. So we made a VR-based drone that flies wherever you look.
