
We will demonstrate our acoustic guitar pickup system. Our demo will consist live acoustic guitar playing with comparisons of our technology to existing technology.
We provide data-driven guidelines for moderators and community managers in designing moderation and transparency strategies that foster healthy communities.
Invisible Cities is a mobile dashboard for collaboratively developing AR monuments and expansive artworks in public squares. Users are able to create, share, and maintain public AR works that can be shared with a small community or the entire city. To get started, users need only download the Georgia Tech's Argon AR browser and be in a public space with AR content. From there, they can engage in creating a socially engaged AR with their fellow citizens. In an age of post-truth and fake news, AR public monuments serve as a touchstone for cultural heritage and expression.
There are specific cognitive functions necessary to safely drive a vehicle that can be impacted by alcohol, drugs, fatigue, or other sources. There is currently not a roadside assessment that can detect driver impairment regardless of the source. The iPad Roadside Sobriety Test project is exploring the use of cognitive tasks as an assessment tool for driver impairment to resolve this problem. We are currently investigating the diagnostic ability, reliability, and validity of different cognitive tasks for the impairment of cognitive functions essential for driving. 
Isola is a VR experience that takes place in a fantasy world consisted of many floating islands. Special pieces representing forgotten dreams are scattered in the space. The player has to find his lost pieces to become complete again. During the Journey, a special vehicle will be available for navigation and interaction. With the vehicle, the player can sail among the floating islands. He/she will overcome bad weather, throw a ring to attract giant fish, and at the end, combine two broken pieces collected along the way to form a full star.
Jeli is a wearable pet with personality. Just pin him to your shirt or jacket and take him along wherever you go! Jeli is the perfect traveling buddy for those who want a little company during their busy day. Pet Jeli on the head, squeeze his head or scare him with a loud noise to make him come to life. Jeli served as an exploration in soft circuit design. The product is controlled by a Flora microcontroller, as it is well-suited to sewn circuitry and wearable products. Our system also incorporates homemade sensors, such as a potentiometer and a force sensor.
JetEdit is designed to exponentially accelerate the time it takes filmmakers to go from shooting footage to a rough cut by leveraging their impressions of takes while filming, and using that semantic data to generate a rough cut instantly.
Many types of investigators routinely perform analysis that involves large collections of documents. The Jigsaw system helps investigative analysts with reasoning and sense-making in such scenarios. Jigsaw acts like a visual index onto a document collection. It first analyzes the documents, identifies entities, clusters related documents, analyzes sentiment, and summarizes each document. Next, it provides multiple visualizations of the documents, entities within, and the analysis results.
Jill Watson and AskJill are AI-powered Q&A agents. Jill Watson, currently deployed in four classes, serves as a virtual TA that answers student questions related to course syllabus and schedule. It's goal is to enhance teacher presence in the class. AskJill, evolved from Jill Watson, is an artificial intelligence explanation agent that can answer questions about the domain, operation and functionality of other AI systems as outlined in their user guides. It is currently deployed in an AI-based interactive learning environment VERA (Virtual Ecological Research Assistant).
How do you making waiting around less tedious? We’ve partnered with the Georgia Aquarium to find a way to help build the excitement for the Dolphin Celebration shows. Our solution tells guests the story and capabilities of dolphins, from which we are prototyping a single chapter that focuses on the wonders of echolocation. This project shows the designs of five interactive modules, called “chapters.” Each teaches elements of dolphin behavior and interactions with their natural environment.
Given the importance of developers for the success of mobile platforms, it is critical for vendors to understand how platform innovations impact developer interaction activity and what issues and topics are discussed. An understanding of these issues can help providers improve their release strategies, manage developer expectations, and avoid negative reputation effects. To facilitate this understanding, we are analyzing knowledge ecosystem reactions to change in mobile software development platforms.
We present KnowledgeVIS, a visual analytics tool in your browser for exploring and browsing relationships that language models (LMs) have learned by identifying, comparing, and summarizing LM predictions
We present a new method of learning control policies that successfully operate under unknown dynamic models. We create such policies by leveraging a large number of training examples that are generated using a physical simulator. Our system is made of two components: a Universal Policy (UP) and a function for Online System Identification (OSI). We describe our control policy as universal because it is trained over a wide array of dynamic models.
While there is a growing focus on leveraging technology use for learning gains across the world, this focus is yet to extend to infrastructurally limited environments in India, among other countries. We draw on qualitative research conducted in the Indian states of Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, and West Bengal to highlight the challenges of designing educational technologies for "low-resource'' contexts, particularly when they are "low-resource'' along different dimensions.
