
Like traditional media, social media in China is subject to censorship. However, in limited cases, activists have employed homophones of censored keywords to avoid detection by keyword matching algorithms. This project focusses on designing an interactive, client-side tool that promotes free speech. An iterative design process, involving the inputs of end-users will deliver a final design. In the evaluation of the design we will target the following research question: Does the UI workflow fit into context of use of the users?
Students solved these problems in design[ED] Lab (Design Education Lab), a user experience workshop that introduced teenagers and pre-professional adults to design-thinking, to encourage problem solving and critical thinking skill development. This workshop was in partnership with The Bridge Academy (College Park, GA), a full-time High School Diploma and GED Prep program offering a nontraditional path for students.
Detecting EEG in the ear
This project explores an approach to support distributed social media tracking initiatives within low-resource language contexts. Specifically, it seeks to understand the dynamics of users who spread inflammatory content online within the context of the Ethiopian civil conflict.
The Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers Foundation (AVLF), a pro bono legal service provider, has a walk-in advice clinic that offers free legal assistance and resources to Atlanta tenants facing eviction. The goal of our project is to assist AVLF in streamlining the intake and consultation process, as well as to equip tenants with the necessary tools to better advocate for themselves during the eviction process.
Off-premise ordering is a rapidly expanding revenue channel for the restaurant industry, especially among younger, millennial customers (ages 18-34). Fast casual restaurants are making radical changes to capture more of this market segment and increase their share of online sales. However, Moe's Southwest Grill is struggling to keep up, and seeks to improve its customer experience.
This study will be focused on studying and developing teaching and technological supports to facilitate remote art instruction and art museum exhibits in K-2 education.
Huaiwei Sun and Nikhila Nyapathy are working with Dr. Arriaga on developing an mHealth tool for children and teenagers with asthma for better self-management. Huaiwei is working to create age-appropriate icons and asthma action plan for the children and teenagers. Nikhila is working to understand how mHealth tool could contribute to the continuity of care.
Technology is changing the scope and quality of healthcare through applications such as telemedicine and home health technology by offering a cost-effective and accessible means to manage chronic disease. People are increasingly taking a proactive role in monitoring and maintaining their health, e.g., monitoring blood pressure to prevent stroke, or measuring blood sugar levels to regulate diabetes. One of the most pressing health issues we face today is a stroke.
learning from craft practices, tools, and crafters to enhance media and interaction design
With their high cognition, engineer-like curiosity, and close relation to humans, orangutans are an extraordinary user to study. The project aims to provide animal care staff and organizations new methods in enriching the lives of animals in their care by creating applications with the Kinect for interactive projections.
Currently 6.8 million children in America have asthma, a disease of the respiratory system that causes inflammation of the airways. An asthma action plan is an individualized health management plan that doctors give to their patients to help control their condition. It functions by illustrating what actions to take at different levels of symptom severity from day-to-day medication use to emergency situations. A problem arises for the caregivers of asthmatic children who may not have the educational background to understand the information in an action plan.
Digital Naturalism investigates the role that Digital Media can play for Biological Field Work. It looks to uphold the naturalistic values of wilderness exploration while investigating the new abilities offered by digital technology. Digital Naturalism unites biologists, designers, engineers, and artists to build and analyze new devices. It focuses on crafting DIY technology and interacting with animals in new ways. In particular, Digital Naturalism looks at how digital media can be used to explore animal behaviors situated in their natural context.
Computing and communication technologies for peacemaking, peacekeeping, and post-conflict reconciliation.
Computing and communication technologies for peacemaking, peacekeeping, and post-conflict reconciliation.
