
Mermaids is a massively multiplayer online game set in an underwater world in which players take on the roles of hatchlings coming to life in the ruins of a long-extinct mermaid culture.
Immersive technology's advances pose new risks for user safety and privacy, from risks associated with recorded movements to risks from how virtual environments track user behaviors. Through this research, we hope to examine the challenges of protecting human rights in an emerging paradigm of immersive technology, focusing on novel approaches to guarding data privacy, freedom of speech, and bodily autonomy.
The primary focus of this project is improving the user experience for Microsoft's Accessibility Insights for Web, which is a web accessibility testing tool for web developers. This project aims to understand how web developers use the various web accessibility testing tools including the Accessibility Insights for Web, and what challenges and frustrations they face while using these tools.
Midtown Buzz is an experiment in mobile innovation focused on engaging urban communities. It includes mobile platform and app development, open-source data curation, contextually aware environments, social navigation, developer workshops, hackathons, trials, needs assessments and the creation of a Live-Work-Play Laboratory for exploring the potential of media technologies in creating a climate for innovation. Be sure to check out the innovative Buzz projects, such as Storyoke and Auggy! Please visit www.midtownbuzz. org for more information.
Sharing emotions is a way to connect people to one another, this project uses a wearable system to recognize, share & connect people via emotions. MoodChat is a wearable system that automatically recognizes human emotion and allows people to share their feelings and emotions through simple interaction. The system includes a wristband and a mobile app. 
The tool enables users to engage in structured information foraging and save interesting information scraps they encounter online. The collected information scraps are then made available in an environment that supports processing these information scraps to answer the questions users have about them.
Research, on current equine technologies, shows that limited exploration is being done in the space of wearable technology. MR ED is a research project focused on designing wearable tech for horses & riders.
The goal of this study is to learn about how the MS Human Computer Interaction program (HCI) at Georgia Tech can be tailored to suit students' specific needs and goals. Students entering the program would benefit from a greater understanding of how to move through the program to gain the skills needed for their desired roles post graduation. In order to form a complete picture of what student needs are, the research team will collect data about the current MS HCI program structure, current industry expectations of HCI grads, and current student expectations.
Data visualization tool to identify stressful factors for cyclist to help city planners make better decisions on cycling infrastructure in Atlanta
In our project, we are exploring how to design an AR tool to provide an immersive experience for high school students as they learn about a trigonometric concept called the unit circle.
We present three prototypes designed for a hypothetical museum exhibit that elicit historical and experiential qualities of early 16th-century prayer-nuts. As personal religious experiences included a “dependence of spirituality on material objects” during the 16th-century, we believe that digitally-enhanced multisensory interactions can help situate the artifact in its historical context. The 3D printed interactive prayer nuts augmented with audio-visual effects support the visual voyage, experience of spirituality, and scents of power.
This demo shows a system called Dust and Magnet (DnM) that is a general purpose data visualization system. DnM represents data items as iron dust. Each attribute of the data then is a magnet. The system is implemented on a large multi-touch display where the analyst can deploy magnets and drag them around the view. Data points will then be attracted more strongly or weakly depending on that data item's value of the attribute represented by each magnet. This system provides a very hands-on, visceral data exploration experience.
Biological systems in general are multifunctional and environmentally sustainable. Thus, biologically inspired design is posited as leading to multifunctional and environmentally sustainable designs. Design in general is characterized as a problem-driven process. However, biologically inspired design also entails the twin process of solution-based design. Previous work has postulated that the solution-based design process is prone to design fixation but leads to more multi-functional designs. Design Study Library (DSL) is a digital library of eighty-three cases of biologically inspired design.
The motion of our articulators is responsible for generating speech. To re-learn how to speak intelligibly after a brain injury, practicing enunciation when learning a new language, or change our native accent to fit in a new place or required as part of our job, accessing and correcting our articulators' motion is crucial. Few practical solutions exist in the market, and our system is filling this gap by providing an affordable, unobtrusive, portable and user-friendly solution to visualize and generate feedback to the user about their speech performance (e.g., tongue and lips gesture).
