The Computational Enterprise Science Lab focuses on the design, analysis, and management of complex enterprise systems (e.g. organizations, supply chains, business ecosystems) using information visualization, modeling/simulation, and system science approaches.

Design and Social Justice Studio brings an interdisciplinary group of faculty and students together to examine the experiential and participatory dimensions of digital media and their relationship to establishing and supporting democratic forms of social interaction.

The Digital Humanities Lab (DH Lab) explores how digital technologies engage questions of humanistic inquiry.

The IMAGINE (Interactive Media Architecture Group in Education) Lab is composed of a group of researchers and students with a mission of serving the Architecture/Engineering/Construction (AEC) community by: 1.

At the Information Interfaces Lab, computing technologies are developed that help people take advantage of information to enrich their lives.


The Local Data Design Lab is focused on bridging the substantial divide between two complimentary, but largely disconnected areas of work: data studies and data visualization.

TSynlab explores emerging modalities in new media. Our research focuses on tangible interaction and sensing technologies that support creative expression bridging the physical and digital worlds. Applications range across media arts, entertainment and educational domains.

We are interested in ubiquitous computing and the research issues involved in building and evaluating ubicomp applications and services that impact our lives. Much of our work is situated in settings of everyday activity, such as the classroom, the office and the home.